The recipe feature is only available to users subscribed to an ANANAS Business plan
Admin level users can create, edit and assign recipes to venues or learning courses
Staff level users can view recipes that are active and assigned to a venue(s) that they are part of
Create / edit recipe
Click Recipes in the ANANAS navigation bar
Click New Recipe or choose an existing recipe and selected Edit
Edit or create the recipe as required:
Recipe Name - How you and staff will identify the recipe
Available in Venues - Default is All Venues. Select which venues this will apply to, this which staff will be able to view the recipe
Status - Archived recipes are only visible to Admin users. We suggest archiving any recipe that may be required again in the future (menu changes etc)
Category - Allows users to filter recipe searches. Does not affect visibility to users in any other way
Method - Choose the preparation method
Garnish - Select one of the preset garnishes or add a custom garnish
Glassware - Select one of the preset vessels or add a custom one
Notes - Add in any other information history, tasting notes, tips for preparation etc
Image - Upload a reference image so users can see the recommended presentation
Ingredients - Add ingredients in order selecting the amount, measure type and ingredient. You can choose to add an ingredient from the existing database, with or without a brand. You may also create custom ingredients (see warning below)*
Recipe Steps - In order, create a list of steps needed to follow the recipe
Save Recipe / Cancel - Be sure to save your new recipe or commit any changes. If you change your mind, hit Cancel
Tips and warnings for using recipes in tests*
Only Ingredient, Brand, Measure and Amount are required to match in tests. Glassware, garnish, steps and method and not tested
If a recipe calls for a specific brand, the brand MUST BE named by users in tests in order to score. If no brand is called and the user specifies a brand, the question will NOT be passed
Be consistent with measures. Dashes, drops, spoons etc MUST EXACTLY match the recipe in order to score on a tests
Always check for existing entries, before creating custom ingredients. If duplicates are created, the user would need to select the matching duplicate in order to pass the question. Common examples of complication are; Simple Syrup, Simple, Sugar Syrup, 1:1 syrup or Egg-White, Egg White, Whites, EggWhite. Custom ingredients will be visible at ALL venues in an Organisation. If venues have similar-sounding custom ingredients, we recommend naming these noting the venue(s) they relate to, to avoid confusion
If a recipe is removed from a venue or made Inactive, it MUST be manually removed from any assigned internal courses & tests, otherwise, the lesson may not function correctly