Course Editor

Customise your courses with a simple visual content editor

Updated over a week ago

The Course Editor is accessed from the Course Settings area. See this article for accessing and managing course settings.

Adding/editing your content

Courses can be built using a combination of images, text, PDF documents, video and external web links.

Add Section

Create chapters in your courses. Each section contains related lessons, which helps break up content for the learner.

Add Text / Picture

You can add and format lessons in this simple Rich Text editor. This is the flexible and common method of building individual lessons.


Drag & drop PDFs up to 4MB to create lessons. Note that PFDs, by nature, are not responsive to screen size. This means that while they may look great on a laptop, users on mobile may not be able to view them easily.


ANANAS supports simple SCORM lessons created externally. If your business has existing SCORM lessons, contact for assistance

Embed Video

From a hosting service such as Vimeo or YouTube. You can find a detailed guide on embedding here

Add Recipes

Add cocktail recipes from your organisation for employees to learn

Add External Links

Link to web pages or videos

Add Question

Add a question to engage learner and test their knowledge as they progress through the course

You can Preview the course as a learner at any time during editing by clicking Preview Course

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