Custom Job Roles
Updated over a week ago

Job Roles in ANANAS are used to streamline the assignment of learning to your team. Every user on ANANAS is assigned one or more job roles which are used to match them to the training required for their specific position at your business.

Though the app is pre-loaded with common hospitality roles; these may not cover every role at your company, there may even be too many, and you want to limit the ability of admin users to assign non-relevant roles to courses and employees.

Custom Roles allow Organisation Admins to hide unused and create new roles for your business.

1. Org Admins can find Job Role preferences under Account > Settings

2. Hide Job Roles that your business does not require

Hiding roles is totally optional but can help streamline admin tasks by reducing the possibility of attaching roles to users or content that are not in use.

Hiding a role that is in use prevents it from being assigned to courses or users, but will NOT remove it from current course or user assignments.

3. Create Custom Job Roles

Create ANANAS Job Roles to match specific job titles at your business.

  • Name - The Job Role as it appears in the ANANAS app

  • Short Name - Where the full name can not be shown, choose up to 3 letters to abbreviate the role. i.e Assitant F&B Manager might become AFM

  • Department - Departments allow for filtering job roles when assigning Focus Courses. Match the role to at least one department.

Note: Once created, you can NOT delete a Custom Job Role. You may edit or hide custom roles at any time. You may need to log out from ANANAS to see custom roles across the app.

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