Enrol employees

How do I enrol employees in internal training courses

Updated over a week ago

Custom courses created in ANANAS are only visible to employees enrolled in the respective course. Employees who are NOT enrolled in a course cannot see the course or content.

  • To allow employees to access a custom course, they must be enrolled.

The primary method of enrolling employees is by Job Role(s). This method is recommended as it becomes a 'set and forget' feature, ensuring that new employees are only assigned the relevant job role to their profile to be enrolled in all learning needed for their position. For example, you may have induction content required by all employees, but specific training for floor staff and bartenders.

Navigate to Internal Training > edit course and select the jobs the particular course should be assigned to

You can select single, multiple or tick ALL JOBS.

You can also add additional enrolment settings to help customise learning journeys.

You may want to assign courses only to full-time or casual employees or have content specific to one location within your business. Employment Type and Location are all selected in the course settings, along with Job Role.

When an employee is enrolled in a course, it is expected that the employer requires them to complete this course. Reporting and reminders within the app reflect this, and employees not completing enrolled courses in the assigned time are considered non-compliant.

Recommending Courses (self enrol)

Sometimes, employers may wish to make certain courses OPTIONAL for employees. Use the Recommended Course field to allow employees to see and self-enrol in courses. Choose which Jobs you wish to have the option to self enrol.

Where a course is recommended, but an employee does NOT self-enrol, they will not receive reminders to complete training nor show as non-compliant in manager reporting for that course.

Enroll Single Employee

The final method of enrolling employees is direct. This can be used when an employer wishes to assign an employee a course outside their normal job role, but assigning an additional role to the employee might also assign courses not required. We recommend this is used sparingly and consider assigning an additional role to the user first.

Locate the employee and click the assign icon. Locate the course from the drop-down then hit save.

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