The Menu Bar is your navigation tool around the ANANAS web app. Your menu bar will show slightly different options depending on your user type.
The example below shows all the options, as seen by an organisation administrator. Employees and Venue Administrators will see reduced options.
Dashboard -
Admin users, view your organisation and individual venue progress here. Exportable CSV reports are available to Organisation Admin from this menu
Locations -
View, edit, add locations, and see topline performance at your business.
Employees -
View detailed performance and manage all employees in your organisation.
My Learning -
The primary area for employees to access learning. Employees can view assigned courses, see their progress, search for new learning and view any recipes assigned to them.
Content Manager -
Admin users will manage Internal Training, course editor, manage Focus Courses and download customisable content from our new Course Store. Create Recipes and settings for
Custom Job Roles and Course Groups are also found here.
Messages -
Send emails to your team based on location, job role or area of work. No more distribution lists, WhatsApp channels or Facebook Groups.
Account -
Subscription & billing settings, and logout.